UAE Dubai
Sallam Sallam
Dar Al-Ber Society assured that the “martyrs of the nation” are the first model in the UAE for sacrifice and redemption for the sake of its people, its stability, its future, its factors, and the preservation of its achievements and gains. They represent a bright symbol for the love of the nation , belonging and loyalty to its leadership and they are “icon of the homeland” , pride and source of the pride of all its children.
Abdullah Ali bin Zayed AlFalasi, the Executive Director of Dar Alber, said that the children of the martyrs, their fathers and their wives are given priority in UAE, and among its kind and sincere people, in a restoration of gratitude for the martyrs Who sacrificed their souls and blood for the sake of UAE, stressing the importance of consolidating the status of our martyrs in the memory of the homeland and its sons, through expressive and thoughtful activities, and by introducing their heroism and stories of their sacrifices in the educational and academic curricula, and the publication of books and specialized studies on their biographies and their contributions to the nation.
Abdullah Ali bin Zayed AlFalasi said that : Our wise leadership provided a great model for caring the Martyrs’ families, gather around them and provide them with all support possible, to keep them in the eyes of the nation and all of its children, in fulfillment to their fathers, who form a vibrant heart for the love of UAE and work to protect it, and a living spirit that motivates us to continue the national work sincerely and diligently.