Dubai UAE
Sallam Sallam
Dar Al Ber Society announced the launch of a new application on smart devices, that offers many features and services for philanthropists and donors, keeping pace with the technical development in multiple areas, and in line with the requirements of the current era, from the speed in the provision of services and ease in the completion of tasks.
Abdullah Ali bin Zayed Al Falasi, Executive Director of Dar Al Ber, said: “The most important features and services of the electronic application are the ease of donation, the speed of viewing the contents, the possibility of creating a profile for the donor, the presentation of the full evidence of the projects of the society, and the sorting of projects according to costs and countries. And also displaying the news of the society.
Al-Falasi explained that the new application of “Dar Al-Ber” opens the door for philanthropists to donate as “Donors” without logging in, allowing the submission of proposals and inquiries through it, renewing the sponsorship of orphans, and knowing the rates of completion of projects on the go, with uploading photos of the project.
Al Falasi pointed out that the electronic application has gained wide popularity among the society’s customers and donors, where the number of users of the application, over the past few days, exceeded 15,700 users on the platform “IOS” and 5800 on the platform “Android”.
The app can be downloaded from the Android platform: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.itkey.com.daralber&hl=ar
And from “IOS” platform: