Dubai UAE
Sallam Sallam
Dar Al Ber Society provided a wide variety of medical and treatment assistance, benefiting 471 patients and needy people in the various emirates of the country, totalling a value of 12,792,293 dirhams.
Abdul Qadir Al Rais, a member of the Board of Directors and Director General of the Dar Al Ber Society, said that the huge proceeds of humanitarian aid and initiatives provided by the Society in the field of medical care extended from the beginning of January to the end of September of this year, stressing that the Society does not hesitate to provide all means of aid and support to nationals or residents.
The Society focuses especially in medical aid in light of the close relation between health and people’s lives and safety and their ability to work, give and contribute to building their homeland and developing their society. He also pointed out that the Zakat Management in the Charitable Projects Sector of the Society carefully examines medical cases, both in the office and in the field, which is done by social researchers, with the aim of ensuring that the aid reaches its deserved beneficiaries.
Al-Rais stressed that Dar Al Ber attaches utmost importance to medical assistance and puts it at the top of its priorities by supporting needy patients who are unable to pay their treatment fees, by taking care of their treatment expenses and costs. Adding that the main focus is on diseases that may lead to delayed treatment, death of the patient or his exposure to many complications, including: cancerous diseases, kidney failure, open heart, catheters and tumors, and surgeries.
These costs represent a burden on the needy who are unable to treat themselves, so the association, through the support of good and charitable people and their donations, takes care of the treatment expenses of cases that obtained the necessary approvals from the Zakat Department.
Abdul Qadir Al Rais called on donors and people of goodness to continue to support the humanitarian and charitable projects and initiatives launched by the Society to help the largest possible number of the needy and poor, especially in light of the current circumstances due to the spread of the Coronavirus (Covid 19).
He stressed that providing assistance to this segment of society is linked to the amount of support that is expected from donors and philanthropists through their donations and support for the humanitarian and charitable projects launched by the Dar Al Ber Society in various humanitarian fields.
He also pointed out that the Society has great confidence in the response of caring and charitable individuals to alleviate the suffering of the needy, so that they embody a bright image of the spirit of solidarity that distinguishes the UAE society.