Frontiers NEXT Launches in Dubai to Discuss the Future of Wellbeing on February 20th
Orchestrating technologies and people behaviors that will shape the future
Dubai, UAE
Sallam Sallam
Frontiers Next will be held for the first time in Dubai on February 20th, 2020 at Godolphin Ballroom, Jumeriah Emirates Towers, to explore how the civil society can pioneer the future of wellbeing and how emerging technologies can help shape its future.
During the conference, a pool of inspiring thought leaders, blazing a trail in neuroscience, sociology, wellbeing and technology will share their thoughts and insights on how technologies are contributing to the new era of wellbeing.
Frontiers NEXT is attracting the most vibrant thought leaders and entrepreneurs in wellbeing innovation ecosystems to explore new methodologies, policies, start-up growth and business partnerships with large companies and government entities. Finally, the conference will explore how wellbeing innovation is transforming our approach to life and creating new services and products.
While the United Arab Emirates play a relevant role in this fast-changing demographic, cultural, technological and political landscape, global experts at Frontiers NEXT will offer a framework not only for the UAE, but the world at large. And hopefully, the results will influence, inspire and contribute to forging ideas that will shape the world of tomorrow.
Matteo Penzo, co-founder & CEO of Frontiers Conferences, said: “I have been launching conferences all around the globe, gathering the brightest minds to discuss and shape the narrative on some of the most pressing challenges of our times. I am thrilled and honored to have the opportunity to gather inspiring speakers on wellbeing right in Dubai, which aims to become the global epicenter of wellbeing under the visionary Emirati leadership”
Penzo continued: “The well-being of the future is not solely granted by new and disruptive technologies; it is granted by what lies behind them: the human factor. And because the ability to picture the future is one of the most outstanding human qualities, it all starts from wanting and picturing a better, desirable one”.
“The audience will enjoy impactful keynotes delivered by influential speakers about the future of wellbeing, with the goal of fostering key discussions on the future of wellbeing. The core mission of Frontiers NEXT is to bring together the whole ecosystem to pioneer the future of happiness and wellbeing in our society.” Penzo added.
Focusing on Wellbeing in every aspect and stage of our lives; starting, developing, living, working, and ageing well. The event is discussing the future of humans, organizations, ecosystems, and civilizations. The event will explore how the global civil society can pioneer the future of wellbeing and how emerging technologies can help shape its future.
Hosted for the first time in the Middle East, following over 25 tech conferences previously organised in San Francisco, Milan, Berlin, Malta, Barcelona and Shanghai – Frontiers NEXT will be a global platform where global thought leaders convene to action ideas into concrete plans.
Frontiers NEXT will feature game-changing keynotes on neuroscience, phycology and technology, inspiring panel discussions and interactive networking sessions to collectively shape the future of wellbeing. Our line up of speakers include: Paul Papadimitriou, Dr Becky Inkster, Nana bit Avragim, Richard Husseiny, Natalia Karbasova, Thomas Sutton, Sara Roversi & many more.
Frontiers NEXT is a global platform dedicated to shaping the future of wellbeing worldwide. The conference will predict future scenarios in 2030, ecompassing different dimensions such as future tech trends, wellbeing-centred business models, social transformations and sustainable wellbeing.
Four main levels will be analysed during the conference: Future trends and tech scenarios, uncovering the road to 2030. A system analisys will be led to assess the current best practices of government entities and international organisations. Community experiences, featuring successful models for ecosystems (workplace, organisations, communities, workplace). Individual wellbeing, uncovering tech solutions which enhance one’s quality of life. The conference will culminate in a Dubai Wellbeing Declaration, mapping out wellbeing recommendations as a tool for policy making.
The perceivable acceleration of digital technologies is impacting everything, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in every field. Yet even in a near future where the Internet reaches the poorest billion of the world’s population, meat is 3D-printed, cars drive themselves and illnesses are defeated by DNA sampling, the human factor will remain crucial. To transform this incredible potential into something that helps the society reach a higher level of well-being and happiness, experts need to work on people’s imagination and help citizens, users and customers envisage what these technologies can actually do for them.